Lending Library Registration

  • Resource Lending Agreement

    This resource lending agreement is between you and the North Shore Child Care Resource & Referral Program. Resources included in this lending agreement are the library, equipment, large toys and activity boxes. The borrower agrees to take sole responsibility for all resources borrowed from the North Shore Child Care Resource and Referral Program. It is the borrowers responsibility to use all equipment/materials as per the manufacturer’s guidelines or for the intended purpose. The library user must ensure that all resources are returned thoroughly cleaned with disinfectant (a 1 part bleach/10 part water solution) on applicable items and in good working condition. If an item is damaged or lost the borrower is responsible for replacing the damaged, or lost item and will pay the replacement value. The borrowing period is 3 weeks.
  • Maximum number of items per category

    Books: 10                       Story Kits: 2
    Felt Stories: 3                 Toys: 5
    Puppets: 3                     Equipment: 2
    Loose Parts: 1 Bag
  • The borrower has read and understood the guidelines pertaining to the usage of the resources borrowed. The North Shore Child Care Resource & Referral Program is not responsible for any injury to persons or damage to property that may arise through use of borrowed resources.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.