Upcoming Puppets and Empathy with Oana Nistor

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Puppets & Empathyshow details + $25.00 CAD  

Online event registration and ticketing powered by Event Espresso

  •  3 May 2025
     10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Children are more open to learning when they are having fun. A puppet offers endless opportunities and possibilities to introducing new concepts to children. I invite you to take my workshop and join me in discovering the benefits of puppets in Early Years and make a fun and entertaining puppet of your own.

You can expect to learn the following:

  • Benefits of using puppets
  • Connections to the ELF
  • Connection between playing, learning and puppets


935 Marine Drive, Suite 203, North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V7P 1S3


The NSCR Community Room is located on the second floor of Capilano Mall next to NSCR’s office. The room is located down a hallway between NSCR’s office and the entrance to mall parking. Occasionally the glass doors to the Community Room are locked. If you have any issues located or accessing the Community Room please contact us.

North Shore Community Resources
Suite 201-935 Marine Drive
North Vancouver BC V7P 1S3
Phone: 604-985-7138