11 April 2024
3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Oh no it’s raining again!
The benefits of gross motor activities have been well documented but the challenge comes when trying to fit them into the day. No gym, no worries! Here is an opportunity to refresh and expand your bag of teaching tips and tricks for those wet West Coast days!
From start to finish, tried and true ways will be explored with a fresh twist to get gross motor movement into an “inside day”. Participants for this workshop will need to be prepared to get down on the floor and reach for the stars!
Find your inspiration from what is happening with the children, use it as a spring board to do “The House Corner Hustle”, or “Traffic Cop Capers”, ”Dinosaurs Disco”, or “Circ de Preschool”!
- Learn how to put together an easy and cheap tool kit for a quick fix for those unexpected weather challenged Vancouver days!
- “STOP” before we start
- Whole body action songs, active stories, dance and “gross academics”
- Wake up the parachute and other games
- Today I am the ………. gardener, house cleaner, fireman, builder, astronaut, sloth!
- Indoor snowball fight!!!!
- Adapting for children with challenges
- Alternative equipment
- Time to mellow, yoga snake and other quieter moments
Margot Wright bio
When I graduated as an Early Childhood Educator in Australia in 1981 I did not realize that 40 plus years later I would still be so passionate about Early Years Learning and being an Educator. I have been fortunate to have worked in a wide variety of settings including, Hospital Nurseries, Daycare, Nanning, Montessori Preschool and Kindergarten, Preschool and Out of School, Not for Profit Childcare Facility Teacher and Manager, ECE, Infant Toddler post basic Instructor and now a Strong Start Educator. Being invited to the round table and acknowledged for my contributions with the latest addition of “The Early Learning Framework” reinforced my passion to contribute to our field at all levels. I want to encourage all other Educators to contribute and collaborate with the view to provide, the very best early years environments for our children. I have hosted many student ECE’s and have been a guest speaker on many occasions, speaking on a variety of subjects including why I prefer Play based over other styles of curriculum. I am the proud Mother of a son and a daughter and Nan to one dear little boy. Each experience has been enlightening, fulfilling and challenging, and has provided me countless opportunities to test and re invent my teaching concepts. I currently hold a teaching licence for 3-5yrs and Infant Toddlers. I have presented my own workshops in various locations around Vancouver and the Sunshine Coast, several years ago and only paused due to my workload.
Venue: NSCR Community Room
The NSCR Community Room is located on the second floor of Capilano Mall next to NSCR’s office. The room is located down a hallway between NSCR’s office and the entrance to mall parking. Occasionally the glass doors to the Community Room are locked. If you have any issues located or accessing the Community Room please contact us.
North Shore Community Resources
Suite 201-935 Marine Drive
North Vancouver BC V7P 1S3
Phone: 604-985-7138