Upcoming Beginners Drawing Skills for ECEs and Adults with Kathleen Tonnesen

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Beginners Drawing Skills for ECEs and Adultsshow details + $25.00 CAD  

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  • Beginners Drawing Skills for ECEs and Adults
     10 April 2025
     6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Every line, every mark on a creation, tells a story. Drawing skills foster the language of art as an expressive medium for meaningful conversations through storytelling and self-reflection. Drawing skills expand on the multiple modes of communication where educators listen to and honour the incredible range of expressive languages children use to communicate. Learning to draw enhances an educator’s communication skills, using the visual language of art to create dynamic teachers.

  • Develop your cognitive skills, improve your self-confidence, and learn how to teach your new drawing skills to children in simple fun ways, every day.
  • Explore how to see with an artist’s eye.
  • Understand how basic geometric shapes govern our understanding of what we see.
  • Discover how light sourcing influences what we see and how light wraps form.
  • Appreciate how our emotional state is affected by our environment and expressed in our art.

Living Inquiries:

Communication and literacies.


Multiple modes of communication.

Language and communication.

Suitable for students, parents, adult instructors/administrators, intermediate and experienced early care and learning professionals working with children of all ages, from infants/toddlers to school age children, including children with extra support needs.


935 Marine Drive, Suite 203, North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V7P 1S3


The NSCR Community Room is located on the second floor of Capilano Mall next to NSCR’s office. The room is located down a hallway between NSCR’s office and the entrance to mall parking. Occasionally the glass doors to the Community Room are locked. If you have any issues located or accessing the Community Room please contact us.

North Shore Community Resources
Suite 201-935 Marine Drive
North Vancouver BC V7P 1S3
Phone: 604-985-7138