Expired Caring For the Sensitive Child (Virtual)

Event Phone: 604 985 7138

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  • Caring for The Sensitive Child
     29 October 2022
     6:30 am - 8:30 am

WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION:  What is sensitivity and how does it manifest in certain children? Understanding and recognizing sensitivity is key when parenting or working with a sensitive child. If misunderstood, these children are at risk for behavioral problems and failure to mature. Through years of study and personal experience, Patti Drobot will help make sense of the sensitive child.  She will discuss the challenges that often come with these children and discuss what the adult’s role is in helping sensitive children to mature and reach their full potential. In this session, she will cover:

  • Signs of sensitivity.
  • Why sensitive children can be challenging to raise.
  • Reasons for behavioral issues that can arise.
  • Key recommendations for parents and educators of sensitive children including discipline.

PRESENTER:  Patti Drobot is a registered professional counselor and parent consultant with a private practice in Vancouver. She works with individuals. parents and educators. Her educational and professional background is in occupational therapy and family therapy with more than 20 years experience as both clinician and educator in the areas of neurology, psychiatry, and community mental health. She is a faculty member of the Neufeld Institute and uses Dr. Neufeld’s approach in her day to day life as both mother and professional.