Event Phone: 604-9857138
Story Baskets Make and Take (in person)
9 March 2023
3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
PRESENTER: My name is Oana Nistor. I am an Early Childhood Educator, Montessori teacher, and storyteller. I’ve been working in the ECE field for over 20 years. I presently teach the Early Childhood Education program at Ridge Meadows College in Maple Ridge. I am passionate about children and I am passionate about stories and their teaching power. I am fascinated by the power of stories and more importantly the benefits and the lessons we can learn from storytelling.
WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION: In a world where we are constantly rushed, storytelling is almost a lost art. In today’s electronic age children are losing their creative thinking and their ability of creating images in their mind. However, storytelling is one of the traditional ways to teach our children lessons about life. Through storytelling children develop listening skills, patience, problem solving, creative thinking, and many more skills used in their early year’s development. Story Baskets are created to expose children to various ways of learning and are a hands-on approach to education.
Story Baskets are meant to promote language development, develop problem-solving skills, develop creative thinking, develop imagination, and improve public speech.
Throughout this workshop you can expect to learn:
- How to create a story with loose pieces
- How to create and use a story basket “Once Upon A Frog”
Venue: NSCR Community Room
The NSCR Community Room is located on the second floor of Capilano Mall next to NSCR’s office. The room is located down a hallway between NSCR’s office and the entrance to mall parking. Occasionally the glass doors to the Community Room are locked. If you have any issues located or accessing the Community Room please contact us.
North Shore Community Resources
Suite 201-935 Marine Drive
North Vancouver BC V7P 1S3
Phone: 604-985-7138